BIO-Tag AT88SC0104C Smart Card
1MHz Compatibility for Fast Operation
Standard 8-lead Plastic Packages
Same Pinout as 2-Wire Serial EEPROMs
High reliability
Endurance: 100,000 cycles
Data retention: 10 years
The device includes a random generator and a proprietary algorithm similar to DES for encrypting data, passwords and providing MAC for read and write operations, thus providing data integrity and certification of data origin. Each device is differentiated from all others after personalization through a unique identification number and set of secret keys. The device secret keys are issued from the application secret keys using an encryption algorithm such as DES, 3DES, AES, etc., which is chosen by the issuer. This function is performed outside of the device.
This is the only Secure Memory family of devices in the industry with mutual authentication between card and reader, and data encryption for both synchronous and asynchronous protocols.
1-Kbit (128-byte) EPROM User Memory
Four 256-bit (32-byte) zones
Self-timed Write Cycles
Single byte or 16-byte page write mode
Programmable Access Rights for Each Zone
2-Kbit Configuration Memory
37-byte OTP Area for User-Defined Codes
160-byte Area for User-Defined Keys and Passwords
High Security Features
64-bit Mutual Authentication Protocol (Under License of ELVA)
Encrypted Checksum
Stream Encryption
Four Key Sets for Authentication and Encryption
Eight Sets of Two 24-bit Passwords
Anti-tearing Function
Voltage and Frequency
Smart card features
ISO 7816 Class A (5V) or Class B (3V) Operation
ISO 7816-3 asynchronous T=0 protocol (Gemplus® Patent) *
Multiple zones, key sets and passwords for multi-application use
Synchronous 2-wire serial interface for faster device initialization *
Programmable 8-byte answer-to-reset register
ISO 7816-2 compliant modules
Embedded application features
Low Voltage Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V
Secure Nonvolatile Storage for Sensitive System or User Information
I²C 2-Wire Serial Interface
1MHz Compatibility for Fast Operation
Standard 8-lead Plastic Packages
Same Pinout as 2-Wire Serial EEPROMs
High reliability
Endurance: 100,000 cycles
Data retention: 10 years
ESD protection: 2,000V min
* Note: Modules available with either T=0 / 2-wire modes or I²C 2-wire mode only
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